quick registration
free transportation
medical personnel
drink stations
comfortable toilets
The Redy Marathon Initiative materialized through the support of marathoners and running enthusiasts, international race directors and volunteers who are determined to bring peace and goodwill to the world through the sport of running. It’s about the journeys you take, the paths you navigate and the people you meet along the way, so join our community and keep running with your new friends.

8.30 am
Participants do not run a marathon to win. More important for most runners is their personal finish time and their placement within their gender and age.
9.00 am
Strategies for completing a marathon include running the whole distance and a run-walk strategy. Average time is 4 hours 32 minutes.
1.00 pm
A goal many runners aim for is to break certain time barriers. For example, first-timers often try to run the marathon under 4 hours.
8.00 am
Participants do not run a marathon to win. More important for most runners is their personal finish time and their placement within their gender and age.
8.30 am
Strategies for completing a marathon include running the whole distance and a run-walk strategy. Average time is 4 hours 32 minutes.
12.00 pm
A goal many runners aim for is to break certain time barriers. For example, first-timers often try to run the marathon under 4 hours.
7.30 am
Participants do not run a marathon to win. More important for most runners is their personal finish time and their placement within their gender and age.
8.30 am
Strategies for completing a marathon include running the whole distance and a run-walk strategy. Average time is 4 hours 32 minutes.
12.30 pm
A goal many runners aim for is to break certain time barriers. For example, first-timers often try to run the marathon under 4 hours.
8.30 am
Participants do not run a marathon to win. More important for most runners is their personal finish time and their placement within their gender and age.
9.00 am
Strategies for completing a marathon include running the whole distance and a run-walk strategy. Average time is 4 hours 32 minutes.
1.00 pm
A goal many runners aim for is to break certain time barriers. For example, first-timers often try to run the marathon under 4 hours.
8.30 am
Participants do not run a marathon to win. More important for most runners is their personal finish time and their placement within their gender and age.
9.00 am
Strategies for completing a marathon include running the whole distance and a run-walk strategy. Average time is 4 hours 32 minutes.
1.00 pm
A goal many runners aim for is to break certain time barriers. For example, first-timers often try to run the marathon under 4 hours.
¡Me siento genial después del primer entrenamiento y mucho mejor después de lograr todos los objetivos! ¡Y tenemos mucho más que esperar! Gracias a todos los de Redy por su ayuda, apoyo y gran motivación. ¡No podríamos hacer esto sin ti!

Joe Martinez
Estoy emocionado de alcanzar nuevas metas y conocer más personas increíbles que aprecian el deporte y comparten los mismos pensamientos. Esto es realmente motivador para novatos como yo. ¡Muchas gracias por el increíble trabajo que haces por nuestra generación y por la juventud!

Jared Moore
El estilo de vida saludable nos hace movernos, y correr una maratón es una oportunidad perfecta para fortalecer cuerpo, espíritu y fuerza de voluntad. En nuestra comunidad encontrará apoyo y motivación, así como el camino hacia el éxito. ¡Únete a nuestro grupo para comenzar este increíble viaje!